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About Me


I am like another people, Nothing Special.


I am not who’s and I am is nothing.
I dont have something that can be a proud in myself and that there is only scarcity.
I am only creatures that have not become anything.


1. ardiansyah l. - September 26, 2009

Dear Fauzi,

I am really happy to have a friend like you. Spirit and creative are the main factors to achieve success. I can learn a lot from you.


My honourable Mr. Ardiansyah L.

I’m to, I’m very glad to have a partner n mentor like you sir, you are the authority in acting and very wise in saying..

Thanks very much for visited my blog.


2. dokmud - October 26, 2009

assalamualaikum, salam kenal ya,,,

3. nzafee - October 26, 2009


salam kenal jg ukhti,,,

oh ya ukhti dr mn ya??

4. lucky lukman hakim - November 16, 2009

wahh… trxta ank aceh y?? Lam knal y??

nzafee - November 22, 2009

ya… salam knal juga…

5. Didi - January 28, 2010

wah orang aceh y….sering jalan2 ke lhoksukon g??…khan deket tu dari lhokseumawe…saya sudah 2 kali tugas ke tempat itu…salam kenal y

6. nzafee - February 2, 2010

nye syehdara…
awai sering tp jino hana le, tengouh sibok that lawet nyou ?
pat tinggai dilhoksukon ?
dilhok pat tugas ?
saleum meuturi sit dari lon tuan hinou ?
selamat berkunjung smoga bermanfaat…

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